We as Alaskan men are already taking action to create stronger selves, relationships, families and communities. Strengthen works to connect us, creating spaces for us as men to learn and grow in order to take more effective action.

By offering tools, skills, resources, support and opportunities for men, the Strengthen Campaign allows us to be active agents of change. 

Take action, join the movement and STRENGTHEN ALASKA!

As a first step, complete the Strengthen Baseline Survey here.

Your thoughts, words, and experiences will help us create a happier, healthier Alaska for all.

Our Vision

A happier, healthier and safer Alaska where Alaskan men and boys are not only free and able to live fulfilling lives, but are actively helping others do the same. 

Our Mission

The Strengthen Campaign uplifts, empowers and emboldens us as Alaskan men to not only take part in but to help lead the movement to create a healthier, safer and stronger Alaska free from sexual and domestic violence.  

Follow us on social media for the latest updates!

We would love to hear from you if you have any questions or stories of strengthen to share! Get in contact below!